The United States Congress is knowingly bankrupting this country.
If ever there was a time in America’s History to abolish Congress,
it is now.
Our Representatives and Senators have for a long time been
dysfunctional, delusional and elitist.
They are a detriment to this country and are the single largest
contributor to the looming loss of security within our borders.
Because of Congress, we owe more than 13 TRILLION dollars to
foreign countries. Congress’ answer to that problem is simple:
Borrow some extra money and call it economically stimulating.
Already, the only countries that will cash the checks Congress
is writing on the backs of this nation’s grand-children are China,
Japan, Britain, a few Caribbean bank nations, and Middle
Eastern Oil Exporters.
70% of our National Debt is owed to China.
That same China which just recently announced its intention
to be the one and only super-power nation in our brave new world.
Even those whose job it is to protect America see the writing on the paper the Treasury is printing. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has clearly stated that the biggest threat to U.S. national security is the nation’s debt. The yearly interest on the money our country owes is equal to our defense budget.
There’s something very scary and mightily wrong when the money we have on hand to protect ourselves from nations who might want to harm us is the same amount of money we owe to some of those same countries. As Admiral Mike Mullen has tried to make our government see, the scenario “is not sustainable.”
And who has put us in this perilous position?
Congress and the House of Representatives.
Together, they are a bloated, ineffective cluster. Long ago, they gave up the idea of coming down those Capitol steps to see what was going on in the real world. Worse, in the last decade, they don’t even put on the pretense of caring about those of us who pay their salaries, their perks, their hidden treasures.
We need to fire Congress and we need to do it now.
It’s not just about the colossal sums of cash they’re throwing away or “earmarked” Stimulus money they cleverly detour for their pet projects and their favorite campaign contributors.
It’s not even about the millions of dollars we shell out every day to have our representatives stand around in Washington “thinking for us.”
What it may soon be about is our national language.
Even then, it won’t be about our primary language as English or our secondary-speak as Spanish.
It is conceivable, on the path we now follow, that every one of us will need to learn Chinese.
Get every irrational, clueless incumbent out of Washington NOW.
Shout it out above the tallest monument: CONGRESS, YOU’RE FIRED!
Or, maybe, more to the point, roar:
國會,你被開除 !!